I am not a huge bacon fan. I do however enjoy a good bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich when tomatoes are in season. Since this is summer and tomatoes are in abundance, I decided to make BLT's for dinner. It was kind of exciting, because I only make them once a year. It had almost a Christmas type feel, but with the smell of bacon.
I had read that you could put bacon in the oven verses frying it in a pan. I thought well if this is true I'm all over that idea. One of the main reasons for the lack of BLT's in my house is frying bacon in a skillet, getting grease all over, and the house smelling of bacon for days! I decided to try it in the oven, and quickly thought why haven't I been doing this all along!! The bacon, I think, came out better in the oven then it does in a skillet. As far as clean up, just throw the foil out!
Here's how you do it:
Take a large jelly roll pan, one that has a lip around it, not a cookie sheet, and line with foil. Take a cooling rack that you would use for cookies and place on top of foil. Place bacon on top of rack and bake at 400 for 20-25 minutes. My oven has a convection setting which I did use for this. If you do not having cooling racks just put the bacon on the foil and bake. You'll just have to pat off the excess grease with a paper towel once cooked.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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